How To Earn Passive Income the Asian Version

It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.
— David Feherty.
Hi guys, working 9-5 jobs is hard especially if it's your only source of income. And every time, it's not enough.
So here, will list down what are the best way to earn passive income (the Asian version).
What are the ways for a better future?
Here are the ways to make passive income even if you have a 9-to-5 job. I know it's never easy, and never will, so we must strive harder and think of more ways to earn.
Creating a mobile app
Making mobile apps and deploying them to app stores or play stores can earn you passive income. Believe me there are ways, first is running mobile ads to your app. Another way is selling premium features of your app, but one thing is for sure — once the app’s deployed it will be like a stable revenue source sending you money.
Spreading affiliate links
Spreading links across the internet with your affiliate urn is one way to earn money. By spreading your affiliate URL, you earn commission for every user that would buy a product. This needs a good marketing strategy, to earn more money in the minimum amount of time.
Making Youtube videos
Many vloggers right now on YouTube are earning money from the videos they make. Post a video wait for viewers to view your content then instant money. But there is a threshold before you can earn money from this and mostly you have a lot of competitors. But sincerely it's one of the best passive income generators.
Make a blog
Earning through a blog may take years, but it pays off when you have lot of readers. Also, it may take time before you get big. So, start now! One of the ways you could earn money from it is sharing your affiliate link and giving reviews. As well as accepting ads or earning revenues from ads. If you don’t want to start from nothing, you could buy a blog.
Creating online course materials and online seminar
Online courses have been booming since 2015, and it's expected to grow more. This is the best way to earn passive income, just create content you want to teach and deploy it multiple times in sites like Udemy and Teachable. Once all your resources are done, all you need to do is relax and wait for it to earn money. Like online seminars, schedule webinars and deploy your pre-made course every now and then.
Creating e-books
With the increasing popularity of digital books, it's now considered as one way to earn passive income. Authors now bypass publishers when publishing their own books. You could check out my article on using ascii doctor to create an e-book using opensource tools here. Selling those eBooks on sites like Amazon KDP, another way is to sell it on your own store.
Selling photos
Photographs, selling photographs that have deep meaning or have an artistic side could earn you some bucks. Posting it to stock photos site like Pexel as many companies or individual that are searching for the right photo.
Becoming an early stage
One word risky, investing in early-stage startup has many pros and cons. Being a seed investor gets you a lot of rewards as you can join the startup and promote it. But one thing you should only invest in a startup you believe in.
Buying blue chip
Buying stocks is one of the best ways to earn passive incomes, but you must have years of patience waiting for it to grow. Also picking the right stocks to invest in could make you a millionaire in just 5-8 years. Investing in it also needs large sums of money to gain large position increase.

In this day of age, there are ways now to earn passive income. Probably not so passive but still you’ll only need to put 20% and earn 80% from it. These posts will get updates from time to time as it is still incomplete. Stay tuned for more updates.