Haylou GT1 Fix Earbuds Pairing

Push yourself, because no one else is going to do it for you.
— Anonymous.
I’ve recently bought an Haylou GT1 earbuds (this are China manufactured earbuds). The earbuds was good but after a few weeks on using it on multiple devices, suddenly the earbuds doesn’t pair on each other. After searching some manuals I’d found out that there are steps to pair them back again. So this is just a small compilation of what I did.
- First, remove your earbuds from its casing (they were off and just turned on).
- Turn them off by touching them for 3 seconds (a red LED will blink once it turned off).
- When both the earbuds are already not running, touch both of the earbuds at the same time and wait for 20 seconds
- The earbuds LED should blink red and white at around 15 seconds and then it would blink again in 20 seconds mark (make sure both earbuds blinks twice)
- Return both earbuds back into its case.
- Then on your phone’s Bluetooth settings delete the pairing connection you’ve done before specifically for this device.
- Pull out the earbuds from their case and wait for them to pair.
- On your phone connect to the Haylou-GT1_R device. I’ve specifically specified the Haylou-GT1_R as this is the fastest out of the two earbuds to pair.
When all that is done, you’ve now completely restored your earbuds pairing to one another. So guys, if you have any question? just message me on my social media accounts and as always leave life.
Hope you guys, enjoyed this article! 😘